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( I )- Identify

  • The "i" portion of our ITM (Ideal Target Market) system represents
    the crucial first step in marketing. Our team assists and guides your company by
    leveraging your existing customer base and employing extensive data analysis and
    research. We strive to comprehensively understand why individuals choose to
    engage with your services or business.
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( T )- Target

  • The "t" portion of our ITM (Ideal Target Market) system represents
    the crucial second step in the marketing process, focusing on effectively attracting
    our ideal customer through strategic branding. Now that we clearly understand
    who your customer is, we embark on a comprehensive branding process that
    involves partnering closely with your company.
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( M )- Market

  • The "m" stage of our ITM (Ideal Target Market) system represents
    the crucial third and final part of the marketing process. After gaining a deep
    understanding of your ideal customer and aligning your brand to attract them, we
    now move forward with developing and implementing a comprehensive
    marketing plan.
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